1 USE [AdventureDB] 2 GO 3 /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Score] Script Date: 11/25/2016 4:30:50 PM ******/ 4 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 5 GO 6 7 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON 8 GO 9 10 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Score]([Name] [varchar](50) NULL,[Subject] [varchar](50) NULL,[Score] FLOAT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]11 GO12 13 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Jack', N'linguistic', 65)14 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Tom', N'linguistic', 56)15 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Lina', N'linguistic', 84)16 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Jack', N'Mathematics', 100)17 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Tom', N'Mathematics', 82)18 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Lina', N'Mathematics', 67)19 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Jack', N'English', 82)20 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Tom', N'English', 54)21 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Lina', N'English', 76)22 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'James', N'Other', 52)23 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Tom', N'Other', 99)24 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Lina', N'Other', 79)25 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Kobe', N'linguistic', 65)26 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'James', N'linguistic', 76)27 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Kidd', N'linguistic', 86)28 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'James', N'Mathematics', 70)29 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Kobe', N'Mathematics', 92)30 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Kidd', N'Mathematics', 70)31 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Kobe', N'English', 86)32 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Kidd', N'English', 85)33 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'James', N'English', 66)34 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Jack', N'Other', 77)35 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Kobe', N'Other', 97)36 INSERT INTO [dbo].[Score] ([Name], [Subject], [Score]) VALUES (N'Kidd', N'Other', 93)
1 USE [AdventureDB] 2 GO 3 4 /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[CaseSelect] Script Date: 12/02/2016 00:47:02 ******/ 5 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 6 GO 7 8 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON 9 GO10 11 CREATE procedure [dbo].[CaseSelect] AS12 13 BEGIN14 15 SELECT [Name],16 SUM (case when [Subject] = 'English' then [Score] else 0 end) English,17 SUM (case when [Subject] = 'linguistic' then [Score] else 0 end) Linguistic,18 SUM (case when [Subject] = 'Mathematics' then [Score] else 0 end) Mathematics,19 SUM (case when [Subject] = 'Other' then [Score] else 0 end) Other,20 AVG ([Score]) Average21 FROM [dbo].[score] GROUP BY [Name] ORDER BY [Name] DESC22 23 END24 25 GO
1 USE [AdventureDB] 2 GO 3 4 /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Pivot] Script Date: 12/02/2016 01:07:27 ******/ 5 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 6 GO 7 8 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON 9 GO10 11 CREATE procedure [dbo].[Pivot]12 @NumberOfStudents int = 513 AS14 15 IF @NumberOfStudents < 1 or @NumberOfStudents > 1016 RAISERROR('@NumberOfStudents must be between 1 and 10', 11, 1);17 ELSE18 SELECT top(@NumberOfStudents)19 p.[name],20 p.English,21 p.linguistic,22 p.Mathematics,23 p.Other,24 (p.English + p.linguistic+p.Mathematics + p.Other)/4 AS Average25 FROM [dbo].[score] PIVOT (SUM (score) FOR [subject] IN (English,linguistic,Mathematics,Other) ) AS P26 ORDER BY p.[name] DESC27 28 RETURN;29 30 GO
1 USE [AdventureDB] 2 GO 3 4 /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Pivot_DynamicColumn] Script Date: 12/02/2016 01:31:30 ******/ 5 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 6 GO 7 8 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON 9 GO10 11 CREATE procedure [dbo].[Pivot_DynamicColumn] AS12 13 BEGIN14 DECLARE @ColumnNames NVARCHAR(Max)15 DECLARE @AverageScore NVARCHAR(Max)16 DECLARE @ColumnCount int17 18 SET @ColumnNames=''19 SET @AverageScore = ''20 SET @ColumnCount = ''21 22 SELECT @ColumnCount = COUNT(DISTINCT [Subject]) FROM [Score]23 24 SELECT25 @ColumnNames = @ColumnNames + '[' + [Subject] + '],',26 @AverageScore = @AverageScore + '[' + [Subject] + ']+'27 FROM28 (29 SELECT DISTINCT [Subject] FROM [Score]30 ) t31 32 SET @ColumnNames= LEFT(@ColumnNames, LEN(@ColumnNames)-1)33 SET @AverageScore= LEFT(@AverageScore, LEN(@AverageScore)-1)34 35 DECLARE @selectSQL NVARCHAR(Max)36 37 SET @selectSQL=38 'SELECT [name],{0},({1})/{2} as Average FROM39 [dbo].[score]40 Pivot(SUM(score) For [subject] in ({0})) AS p41 ORDER BY p.[name] DESC'42 43 SET @selectSQL= REPLACE(@selectSQL,'{0}',@ColumnNames)44 SET @selectSQL= REPLACE(@selectSQL,'{1}',@AverageScore)45 SET @selectSQL= REPLACE(@selectSQL,'{2}',@ColumnCount)46 47 EXEC sp_executesql @selectSQL48 END49 50 GO
1 USE [AdventureDB] 2 GO 3 4 /****** Object: Table [dbo].[ScorePivot] Script Date: 2016/12/6 17:38:48 ******/ 5 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 6 GO 7 8 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON 9 GO10 11 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ScorePivot](12 [Name] [varchar](50) NULL,13 [English] [varchar](50) NULL,14 [Linguistic] [varchar](50) NULL,15 [Mathematics] [varchar](50) NULL,16 [Other] [varchar](50) NULL) ON [PRIMARY]17 GO18 19 INSERT INTO [dbo].[ScorePivot] ([Name], [English], [Linguistic], [Mathematics], [Other]) VALUES (N'Tom', N'54', N'56', N'82', N'99')20 INSERT INTO [dbo].[ScorePivot] ([Name], [English], [Linguistic], [Mathematics], [Other]) VALUES (N'Lina', N'76', N'84', N'67', N'79')21 INSERT INTO [dbo].[ScorePivot] ([Name], [English], [Linguistic], [Mathematics], [Other]) VALUES (N'Kobe', N'86', N'65', N'92', N'97')22 INSERT INTO [dbo].[ScorePivot] ([Name], [English], [Linguistic], [Mathematics], [Other]) VALUES (N'Kidd', N'85', N'86', N'70', N'93')23 INSERT INTO [dbo].[ScorePivot] ([Name], [English], [Linguistic], [Mathematics], [Other]) VALUES (N'James', N'66', N'76', N'70', N'52')24 INSERT INTO [dbo].[ScorePivot] ([Name], [English], [Linguistic], [Mathematics], [Other]) VALUES (N'Jack', N'82', N'65', N'100', N'77')
USE [AdventureDB]GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[UNPivot] Script Date: 2016/12/6 17:49:54 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE procedure [dbo].[UNPivot] AS SELECT [Name], [Subject], [Score] FROM ( SELECT [Name], [English],[Linguistic],[Mathematics], [Other] FROM [dbo].[ScorePivot] ) data UNPIVOT ( [Score] FOR [Subject] IN ( [English], [Linguistic], [Mathematics], [Other] ) )AS nupvtGO